Monday 16 July 2007

splinter inducing...

... oh dear.

can I suggest that if you find yourself awake in the middle of the night and have a thought about re-arranging furniture, stop at the point where you've made the diagrams.

I've just dismantled one of the massive shelving units in the office and have about 3 splinters in my fingers (my feet are safe as I put on a pair of New Rocks!).

on the plus side, the office now looks much bigger and when I get rid of the other unit, I'll be able to move the futon in there.

on the down side - I have splinters...

think I'm going to try and stay awake for the day now, with a nap at sometime mid-afternoon so that I'm awake and ready for shopping tomorrow with Mum.

Update: ok - the staying awake thing isn't working, so I'm going to go to bed now, but get up before midday!

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